How to Write a Book and Mine the Gold Called Your Knowledge

Friday, October 12, 2012 0 comments

Writing can be a joy-filled creative process to some and a drudgery-filled chore to others. According to Roger C. Parker, "Writing is more a process of identification and organization than the relatively mechanical process of selecting words and placing them in sentences an paragraphs."
My goal is to get you to see writing your book quickly is simply a matter of harvesting your information and recognizing that you probably already possess the majority of the information needed to complete your book.
The real test is simply to organize what you know into a database of usable ideas. The beginning steps outlined below will help you identify and organize the information you need (and already have) into chunks of information to write your book. By analyzing your experiences and life observations into building block ideas and using a table to organize them, you will be ready to write sooner.
Follow these simple steps, identify and organize your ideas; then easily write and complete your book. To get started do this:
1. Realize You Know More Than You Think.
You have gained a certain level of success in your field, career or even hobby. You may be an active consultant, business owner, speaker, or writer. In your field you have been constantly learning and observing. On your path to success through failures, successes and opportunities to learn, you have been accumulating the information you need to complete your book.
You have experienced and observed what works and does not work. You have developed over time an understanding of what order things should happen and how it appears out of order when it doesn't happen in that order. Through the process of continually doing what you do, you have gained a wealth of knowledge and information.
The challenge is that your knowledge is unorganized. Once you create a structure for organizing your ideas, your ability to create your book and/or books will quickly take shape.
2. Divide and conquer - begin to break your knowledge into chunks of information
The beginning point is to begin separate your files, speeches, articles into general topics. For example, I have bodies of information for my inspirational writing and a whole other body or topic for business writing.
And of course there's another topic for the how-tos of writing in my files. When I first started, I went through and separated these chunks of information into different folders and eventually as my chunks of information grew I had to house them in separate file units.
After creating topical groups, break your knowledge for your book into individual ideas or chunks of information so you can inventory what you already know on the subject.
You'll notice as you organize and inventory the ideas you already possess; it will uncover some areas that your knowledge is bit weak. Once you identify the weak areas in your knowledge, it becomes easy to locate the information needed to fill in the gap or strengthen the weak area.
3. Create framework for organizing your ideas
For a short book, simply create a list of every idea related to your book's topic. Once you start your list and create a structure you'll be surprised at how quickly your book takes shape. Now take your list and number them in order of importance. After your ideas have been prioritized, you can easily spot patterns of what will lead to writing a book on what you are most passionate about.
4. Pursue your most passionate idea
For now, put aside your list of topics. Take a break and relax. Successful books are based on one central idea. The author concentrates on one main theme to drive their book to success. Textbooks can get away with a list of all kinds of facts. But non-fiction books, especially how-to books are based on one main idea.
The central idea provides the focus needed to make your writing compelling. For your book, you need a viewpoint, a position, and a conclusion that you develop fact by fact or step by step as you write your book.
Readers look for an easy read. They look for a book that will help them solve their problem step by step. They need interpretation, perspective and sequence.
The easiest way to come up with a main idea for your book is to follow your passion. To choose a subject that you will be still be passionate about in a year or so, ask yourself these questions:
What ideas am I really passionate about, What ideas do I consistently discuss no matter where I am? What ideas do I really want to share with the world? Where do I see others making the same mistakes I did? How can I help people with my knowledge? What key ideas helped me succeed or caused me to fail? What main idea can make a difference in the lives of others?
The main idea for your book may come to you when you least expect it. So over the next few days begin to mull it over in your mind. Spend some quiet time, if only for a few minutes during the day to think about your deep passion, your mission, the idea that really moves you. This is important because if you pinpoint your passion well, the easier it will be to write a book that expresses what you want to express.
Readers enjoy and appreciate passion. Choose a topic you are excited by and let your enthusiasm and excitement spread faster than the common cold. Your readers will connect to you and be excited by it. They will reward you by reading your book from cover to cover and then tell all their friends about your wonderful, insightful book. Remember, the more passionate you are about your topic the faster you will be able to write, complete and publish your book.

Intriguing Way to Choose The Best Books For Children

Thursday, October 11, 2012 0 comments

A bookstore or library can be overwhelming when it comes to children's books. How do you decide which preschool childrens books to read to your children? I've found that I can spend hours trying to decide which books to buy or borrow for my three-year-old child.
To avoid piles of unread books and increase the depth of my child's learning, I've come up with a formula to choose the best books for children. It's easy and has just four components: a theme, knowledge, life skill and character.
Before I head to the library or bookstore, I think of a theme that I would like my child to learn about. Then I think of what knowledge is learned from the theme, what life skill can be drawn from it and a character trait that coincides.
I want my child to gain knowledge because it gives power and understanding. I want her to learn life skills so she can implement the knowledge and to develop positive character traits so she uses her knowledge and life skills in moral and ethical ways.
By choosing a theme and a book from each category (knowledge, life skills, character) within a theme, children are not overwhelmed by multiple topics, yet are learning on a variety of levels. And it makes choosing the best books for children a lot easier. Here's an example of how to follow the formula:
1. Theme
Adam and Eve is a great theme. At an early age, children want to know where they came from beyond "Mommy's tummy" and the story of Adam and Eve teaches children where we come from. It also includes knowledge, a life skill and a character trait.
2. Knowledge
The story of Adam and Eve is about knowledge; the knowledge of good and evil. It's about how we came to know the existence of evil and experience it firsthand. Adam and Eve were instructed that they could eat from any tree in the garden, except one. Then Satan convinced Eve to eat from the tree so she would be more like God.
"You will not surely die," the serpent [Satan] said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of [the tree] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." Genesis 3:4-5
Eve eats from the tree, shares the fruit with Adam and their eyes were opened to the world of good and evil. They suddenly became embarrassed and hid.
At an incredibly young age, children begin testing boundaries. They inherently know that some things are good and some are bad, and it is the parents' job to provide the boundaries for children to learn exactly what is good or evil.
My daughter knows the story of Adam and Eve well. The knowledge she gained from the story is that God created us and that Adam and Eve brought the knowledge of good and evil into our world by eating fruit from the forbidden tree. By reading books about Adam and Eve to my daughter, she gains knowledge of where we came from and how evil entered the world.
3. Life skill
I like to use the story of Adam and Eve to teach the life skill listening. Listen is a verb and is defined: to perceive by ear, usually attentively. I like to expand on the definition and ad to take what is said to heart and put it into action. It is one thing to hear someone's words, but when you apply what they say, it shows that you have truly listened.
In Genesis 3, Eve repeats what God told her, proving that she heard his words. She tells the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say "you must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die" (Verse 2-3). Eve definitely heard what God told her, but she didn't apply them and thus did not truly listen.
When I ask my daughter to do or not do something, I like her to respond with "ok" or "yes" so I know she heard me. Occasionally, she acknowledges what I said but proceeds to do the opposite. This is when I ask her if she heard what I said, and she generally repeats the instructions I gave.
Choosing a book that teaches listening doesn't have to be specifically about Adam and Eve. But when read with the story of Adam and Eve, you can discuss how the couple heard God's words but did not truly listen because they did not put them into action. A book that teaches listening combined with the story of Adam and Eve teaches children that listening means putting words into action.
4. Character Trait
The third concept of my formula teaches a character trait. Since Adam and Eve is the theme, I chose the character trait obedience. Adam and Eve were not obedient to God and as a result they were punished by being exiled from the Garden of Eden.
"So the Lord banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken." Genesis 3:24
Children need to learn obedience to their parents and God, as guidelines are put in place for their benefit and protection. If they are disobedient, there are consequences. You can choose any book that teaches about obedience, then relate it back to how Adam and Eve were disobedient and the consequence of their action was to be exiled from the garden.
Choosing preschool childrens books using the formula theme, knowledge, life skill and character teaches a topic from several angles, allowing children to learn on a deeper level. It also makes choosing the best books for children easy.

4 Reasons Why Switching From Printed Books To The Kindle Fire Or Other E-Reader Is Just Smart

Wednesday, October 10, 2012 0 comments

With the advent of electronic devices such as's Kindle Fire, the Barnes & Noble Nook tablet, and Apple's popular iPad, book publishing has truly entered the digital age.
It is a huge understatement to say the digital publication of books has caused a revolutionary change in publishing not matched since the invention of the original Gutenberg printing press in 1440.
Of course, no one can argue the importance printed books have as being the main repository of human culture, history and knowledge. Books have been the favored means of reading the printed word for centuries, and that will not change for some time to come.
However, there are important benefits to making the switch from reading traditionally printed books to using electronic readers (e-readers):
  1. E-readers make traveling easier If you have ever had to select reading material for a long trip, you can appreciate how challenging it can be to pack and carry traditional books. A wonderful feature of e-readers is even the most basic device has enough internal storage to hold literally thousands of digital books. Furthermore, all of this is accomplished with a device comparable in weight to a single paperback!

  2. E-readers save valuable space As beautiful and impressive as book collections can be, they do tend to take up a lot of space. Also, physically moving large book collections can be quite the headache. On the other hand, digital books weigh literally nothing since they are computer files residing on your e-reader.

  3. Digital books are more secure Physical books are extremely vulnerable to damage from a variety of sources such as age, fire and water. While it can be argued e-readers are just as vulnerable, there is one important difference. In the event your device is lost, stolen, or damaged, its digital content can be easily replaced if a backup is available. For example, automatically provides free copies of all digital content purchased from its web site. So, if your kindle fire is stolen, lost, or damaged, secure copies of your purchased content remains in Amazon's cloud.

  4. E-readers have many useful features built-in These features are designed to make the reading experience more pleasurable and convenient. For example, the Amazon kindle fire includes a complete dictionary and thesaurus. You can also adjust font type and size to meet your preferences. Reading progress can be both automatically or manually bookmarked. Many digital publishers are beginning to include extras in digital editions of popular books. These extras are similar to special features found on dvds. Author interviews, Q & A sessions, and links to related online content are just a few examples.
Please keep in mind, traditional books aren't going to vanish overnight. Still, it is undeniable that e-readers have changed the publishing world forever. With many quality devices costing well below $100, now is a perfect time to experience the digital publishing revolution for yourself!

There Are Books For Every Occasion

Tuesday, October 9, 2012 0 comments

"In today's hectic life, where does one find the time to read?" one might ask. Well, for a person who just loves to read, there's always time at bedtime, the early morning, while waiting at the bus stop, while standing in a queue to buy a rail ticket, or even in the bathroom.
Though television has a lot to offer it is not the answer to every query. Supposing you're facing a problem with your infant. There is the option of running to a doctor for the answer, but still better is to keep handy one of those books telling you all you need to know about infancy and your baby. Or, let us say you wish to begin teaching your child about the alphabet and animals. Get the child an alphabet book and you'll be surprised how often your child will open that book and repeat what you've taught him. Perhaps your child is a fan of motor cars and airplanes - the best buy would be a book showing pictures of these.
Books will give you all the information and know how about cooking meals that you savored at a restaurant till now. The market is full of recipe books covering a wide variety of tastes from all over the world.
When it comes to hairdos and colors or styles too, all you need to do is open a book on the subject. You do not have to spend hours at the parlor to make that final decision and likewise for fashions and styles.
There is no dearth of gifts too. On an occasion like a birthday, a wedding or an anniversary - there's just the book to choose for the special person. Many love reading novels and there's choice enough for every taste. You may wish to express something really sentimental from the depth of your heart to someone as dear as a lover, husband, father, daughter or mother. There are books in the market that will convey just the right sentiment.
If you like to travel, all you would want to know about places to visit and stay at are available in books. Yes, television does offer a lot on various subjects, except that it cannot be carried into bed, unlike a book that you can keep referring to.
Today, with people turning towards spirituality, there is so much that is there to read about on the masters and spiritualism.
Reading is a habit best inculcated at a tender age. Reading helps keep the mind actively engaged well into old age and goes on to create a thirst for more and more knowledge. "Books are one's best friend" has been so rightly said. They help overcome the lonely times.

The Ever Growing E-Book Industry

Monday, October 8, 2012 0 comments

Books are a vast expanse of intellectual wealth. They are informative and helpful. They are man's next best friends, next to dogs. People who are talented and can write, need to experiment with book writing. It is beneficial to you and the reader, as you are adding one more book to this already existing sea of knowledge, "Books".
There was a time, when books passed through a long and costly process, termed as printing and production. These processes would push up your investment after adding other expenses for increased sales promotions and marketing strategies. In an e-book, printing and production is not required, thus saving money. Also, what you would have spent on getting latest marketing strategies and paying for a great sales team is also avoided, thus saving money. Hence, this is one of the main reasons for an increase in e-books, since so much money is saved.
Even printers lay down certain conditions. They will only print 500 or 2,000 copies, depending on how big the business is. You will never be able to choose less then these numbers, as they will refuse you outright. So, you end up paying for 500 or 2,000 copies, even if you were not sure whether all copies will sell.
E-books is a good way for you to save a lot of money. You do not need to shell out exorbitant sums of money. The e-book way is still a new born way, yet to catch on. It is really a new concept and will take time to get a hold onto the market. But, it is a cheap and inexpensive way to sell or promote your e-book, compared to a hardcover book. So, I advise you to convert and go the e-book way.
We have seen a huge advancement in technology, which has made the e-book a possibility. The Internet is a fantastic way to get to people. It makes it easier to deliver information to those who are looking for it. There are hundreds of people out there, who are looking for e-information, with regard to their businesses and occupations. For example, if you run a wedding shop, you could create an e-book, giving tips on how to organize a wedding. Whether they want to get married or are people who are into event management, this book would help both kinds of people. Have your links available, through your own websites or through friends' websites, so people can get to your e-book and use it as a reference.
Understand the needs of people, before you take the plunge. But have courage and strength, you will need them and a whole lot of patience as well. When you actually start making a good profit from your e-books, you will feel completely satiated. Take a plunge into the unknown, as one day, e-books are going to become a rage. And you will be reaping the corn, golden corn!

Children Can Learn Morals And Values From Books

Sunday, October 7, 2012 0 comments

There is yet no better medium than books to teach good morals and inculcate the right values in children. Little children love fairy tales and in their dreams they meet the characters they adore. They develop a strong bond with them and see them as role models. Their imagination is stirred when parents read fables and fairy tales at bedtime and they learn to emulate the ideal character portrayed by their favorite heroes' in day-to-day life.
Home and school libraries stock storybooks for children that have stories of adventurers, pirates, explorers and various other interesting topics and subjects. Boys find these stories very fascinating. Girls are more interested in stories that have dolls, ponies, flowers, or are about training as teachers/nurses, cooking food and bringing up a family etc. Each group finds interest in stories that involve characters of the same gender. Stories written for kids usually had either male or female characters specific to each story.
However, stories now combine leading characters of both sexes. A good example of this can be seen in the Harry Potter series that have the stories knitted around the trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione. This recent trend in story writing is leading to a gradual change in the preference of both boys and girls who can now be observed being commonly interested in stories revolving around certain theme centric characters involving both genders.
Stories in the past depicted a safe and pleasant world in which little children could venture out in safety. Modern day stories put even girl characters like Hermione in dangerous situations. However, the charm of stories for little children are still retained making them thoroughly enjoyable and captivating, taking children on a journey into the realm of fairies, gnomes, witches, giants, speaking animals and cities having houses made of sweets, chocolates and cakes.
Illustrated books have their own charm and are loved by children. They help children to create a visual image of their favorite character(s) in their minds. The pictures of different animals and places like gardens and forests etc. keep them happy and occupied and provide them with knowledge about many things and places, which they may not have seen. For their young minds, books are like wells from which they constantly draw the water of knowledge.
Books are good friends to children and provide them with company at any time of the day or night. In comparison to movies, books provide a more powerful medium to teach strong values like comradeship, courage and loyalty to children. As a child gets engrossed in reading, he finds himself transported to the imaginary locale of the story with the characters moving around him. By bonding to the characters, children learn to respond to real life situations when they undergo similar experiences. They learn to express their desires, fears and aspirations. Good books cater to healthy mental and psychological development of children.

Book Four For Heavens' Sake - These Hard Truths Will More Or Less Knock You Down

Saturday, October 6, 2012 0 comments
One of my favorite books ever, in any style or on any subject, was a book called Book Four. Now, this book was originally published as a class A.A.A. (The highest of its class in the classification system of a magickal order known as the A.A. which is the highest class of school. "The method of science, the aim of religion," their motto.) Which basically meant it was not available to the public. Only certain people of certain levels of enlightenment were given the graces of information in the book.
It was meant to serve as both a warning and a valid reason for keeping silent as part of the law and recommendations of the great Eliphas Levi, who reinstated the law of True Occult Wisdom as given From the Four words of the Sphynx: "To know, To Will, To Dare, and To Keep Silent." It does an excellent job of supporting that, but also does so much more.
It is about four of the most influential religious leaders throughout the history of the world. They all did very similar things as a means to achieve enlightenment. They all went away for a good amount of time, far from people and peoples thoughts. Only to return, after enlightenment, which came in the form of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. The halo, the crown of sainthood and of divinity, adeptus within, permission to do with those forces what you will, the goal of the great work.
Jesus, Allah, Buddha, And Mohammed
These four men all shared one major fate in common. It was this connection that make the book so relevant and so important.
After they have achieved enlightenment, all through the same process, they were all treated the exact same way by the very people that they loved. They all willed to share the enlightenment with their people in the lands which they called home. They were all brutally and savagely treated like criminals. These men were all great men and were all murdered for their beliefs.
To will something at this level is an unbreakable bond. So they took their wills to their graves at the hands of the people they loved and tried the most to help. In the end they all became gods to the people, forever martyrs.
Book Four is a book that was written for the express purpose of advancing from one grade of enlightenment to another. It was a test in the school of true wisdom. Mr. A.C. was charged with writing a report signifying his understanding of the laws and truths so far. This was his test in order to advance from one grade to the next.
By writing the book it was achieved but also another thing occurred that was not altogether expected. Those who had the power to pass him recognized the book for what it was and instituted its message for others to learn from. This book became a lesson and a guide for understanding the reasons behind keeping silent.
Thankfully enlightenment is a little safer these days but still shunned by the masses and their ideal itinerary. It is still highly recommended that you keep silent as mankind will always shun the truth and those who speak it. In truth, if the truth ever did become popular it would be made illegal as a means to profit from it.
The Book Four is a very small book that makes a very big point. Jesus, Allah, Buddha, And Mohammed, these four men all shared one major fate in common. They all intentionally made the same mistake. One they would undoubtedly make again. Making such an observation was by its very nature evidence of true intellect along with the necessary virtue of understanding which crowns wisdom and separates it form knowledge. Book Four was most definitely the work of a wise and understanding individual.

Two Kinds Of Health Knowledge

Friday, October 5, 2012 0 comments
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." - Buddha
Modern life brings us lots of advantages, but one very large disadvantage. The disadvantage I'm referring to is that we are awash in secondary knowledge that keeps us from being able to be certain about many things.
Let me explain.
The original kind of knowledge, what Nietzsche called "primary knowledge," is the knowledge we gain from our own direct experience. When we're young we touch a stove and it's hot so we pull our hand away. That way we learn first-hand to be more careful around stoves. Secondary knowledge is theoretical knowledge. It comes from books, media, friends and family. In other words, anywhere but from direct experience.
Both kinds of knowledge have their place in life. However in modern times, there is a massively higher ratio of secondary knowledge compared to primary knowledge than ever before. It's so common that we've come up with a new term for it, "information overload." Information overload applies in practically every area of life, including our health. It's quite easy to find more health information than you could ever use on just about any topic with a short search on the internet. And some of it may even be true...
But even well-intentioned and honestly presented information might not apply to everyone. That's why a remedy that works wonders for one person might do nothing for another, or even make them feel worse.
How do we deal with this issue when it comes to our health?
The simplest way is to increase our skills at listening to the signals our body gives us. These signals are present 24 hours a day. Some are obvious, of course. We usually know when we're hungry or tired. Other signals are less obvious unless we have learned to notice them. These forms of body signals, what I call real-time biofeedback, show up in the small changes we experience throughout the day.
For example, your general energy level is an outstanding indicator. When you're tired for no reason, or hyper and jittery, it's your body's way of letting you know something is off. The same rule applies to your appetite (hunger too soon after eating, cravings for junk food, etc.) as well as to your mental and emotional well-being.
In other words, if you feel satisfied after eating, if your energy is plentiful without being excessive and if you are mentally clear and emotionally resilient, your body is saying, "good job!" But if you have any other type of experience in any of these realms, your body is giving you feedback that you can use. The trick is to isolate the influence that is most likely causing the symptom.
Here's a short list of some possible contributing factors that might trigger such symptoms:
  • Food, particularly processed, denatured food, and also food that is wrong for your Metabolic Type®.
  • Lifestyle factors such as too little, or even too much exercise.
  • Relationship issues (work, social, family) that trigger strong negative emotions.
  • Time factors such as stress caused by deadlines.
  • Environmental exposure, including exposure to toxic metals (lead, mercury, etc.), pesticides, electromagnetic fields.
The bottom line here is that by honoring the signals your body gives you (primary knowledge), you have a much greater chance at sorting out what secondary knowledge (books, doctors, internet) that best applies you your situation. The result is that you continue moving towards better and better health while cutting away some of the information overload.
I recommend this approach to all of my patients and I recommend it to you.
I suffered 32 years of chronic pain before I discovered the secret to natural pain relief.

Why Should We Encourage Educational Children's Books?

Thursday, October 4, 2012 0 comments
Educational children's books impart knowledge and values through the stories they tell. Books for the young have evolved significantly over the years. There was a time when books which were considered to be the knowledge-imparting type just comprised pages and pages of printed matter in small, difficult-to-read font; they now feature colorful illustrations and are laid out in a way that make them very attractive to the young reader.
From pop-ups and pull-outs which give little snippets of information telling children how things work, to little boxes featuring fact files peppered with interesting anecdotes and facts about the topic being researched, educational children's books today are a tempting read for the adult as well.
What are the Main Types of Knowledge Books?
Earlier educational books were just the encyclopedias. Encyclopedias continue to be a very important part of educational children's books. But these too have been redesigned to become much more attractive and user-friendly. Powerful graphic and illustrations accompany topics being discussed. Books focusing on the earth, solar system and other galaxies and stars are now written in such an attractive manner that it transports the young reader into this distant, magical world.
The same is true with educational books on the animal kingdom. The attractive pictures and layout of these books encourage young readers to browse through such books. Many a time even preschoolers who have not yet learned to read like to flip through these types of books because they like the pictures. Not only do these books increase their knowledge, they also help to inculcate the reading habit in young children.
Another type of educational children's books is those which focus on imparting simple values to children. These books teach children through stories the values of sharing, honesty, helping others and so on. They also teach children the importance of issues facing us today such as recycling of paper and other used articles, doing their bit to preserve their environment by switching off lights when they leave a room and turning the tap off when they are brushing their teeth. These stories also teach children the importance of following good habits in their daily lives such as brushing their teeth before going to bed at night, putting their toys away after they have finished playing and even not over-eating.
Children enjoy these stories because they are able to easily relate to them. Options in educational children's books are many and parents, teachers and children have a wide selection to choose from.

How and Why You Should Start Reading Books

Wednesday, October 3, 2012 0 comments
Before now, I've never had a passion about reading books. The only time that I ever read a book cover to cover was back in school when you really had no other choice. After I finished school I thought reading books was a waste of time or just for people who are going to college. I know now that the few times I did read books back then, I wasn't reading the right books. I wasn't interested and never had a passion about it. I am pretty sure that I wasn't the only one, thinking or feeling that way. Some people will start a book and then stop half way like I used to do. Now days, believe it or not, I am reading books from cover to cover. There are times when I cannot put the book down! The reason why is because I am very interested in what I'm reading. When you find a book that really gets your attention you will have no problem reading it from front to back.
The way I started with reading a lot was purely accidental. I loved watching the TV show "The Dog Whisperer" with Cesar Millan. Just by watching him, got me really fascinated with how he can connect and communicate with dogs using his energy. I was watching his shows almost daily. I was so interested in the things that he was doing that I was compelled to buy the book and learn more about it. The book is about leadership (or should I say Pack Leader?) and how you stay calm and have a calm energy. I read that book from front to back because I had the desire to learn more. When you get that desire or "thirst" for knowledge, you will read the book cover to cover.
If you buy a certain book just because the cover looks good or it was recommended to you, but it doesn't have anything to do with your interests, then you probably will not read the whole book. There has to be that interest or need. It's having that desire for the knowledge or gaining the entertainment value out of the book that keeps you from putting it down. If you like to know more about cooking then read a book about it. If you like to learn more about leadership then you have to start reading about it.
There are so many books out there that can teach you incredible things that I thought weren't possible for me to know or learn. I'm learning every day because I'm reading every day now. My passion is all about leadership. I actively seek any book on leadership, pick it up, and take it home and read it.
Find your passion. Find your desire. Find what motivates you when you aren't motivated and get a book about it so you can quench that "thirst" for knowledge. Books aren't just for people who go to school or college. They're for everyone who wants to learn more about what their heart desires. I believe that reading every day is the easiest way to get the most knowledge about something. Start reading today and you will be amazed how much you will know tomorrow.

Best Seller Gujarati Books

Tuesday, October 2, 2012 0 comments

Books are resource of knowledge. Books are our best friends. In free time when no one with us at that time Books are become our friend. It is a great source of enjoyment and the best means of utilize time. Every book that a person reads leaves a deep impression on him. Books will never cheat us. Books give information about everything. Now a day most of the children are sitting in front of TV. Every program is not so good. So children pursue bad habit by watching T.V. Children watch these low quality serials, movies - with excess of action, movies which show violence. To deter this activity a child getting addicted to TV- inculcates the habit of reading. Give them good humor books. So they can enjoy and get some knowledge with it. There are so many good author books are available in the market.
Reading also keeps your brain healthy. A man needs a good friend. A book is as like as friend. Book reading is good time pass in the traveling. He never feels bored. He feels happy in the reading. Reading gives the kind of pleasure. Some books we read simple for pleasure and amusement for example, good novels and books of imagination must have their place in every body's reading.
Generally we read this type of books for the knowledge and refreshment:
Short Stories,
Drama, Essay - Article,
General Knowledge,
English Education,
Sex Education,
Gujarati Education,
Female Related,
Child Care.
There are few authors whose books are very popular and best seller now a days.
Kaajal Oza Vaidya: Kaajal Oza Vaidya is a new age writer. She is very famous in all age group of readers. There are 25 books of Kaajal Oza Vaidy's has been released. She has written 23 Novels (Navalkatha), Lekhsangrah, Navlika, Letters, Poems.Some are very famous like Krishnayan, Vahli Astha, Ekbijane Gamta Rahie, Maunraag, Tara Chaherani Lagolag and Yog Viyog.
Tarak Mehta: Tarak Mehta is very famous author now a days.Still he is a age of 80 but his writing is like 20's. His Tarak Mehta Na Undha Chashma is very popular book.Serial Tarak Mehata ka Ulta Chashma is telecast on SAB TV which is full of humor.This All are all time hits of Tarak Mehta, Bagicha Ni Halvi Hawa Ma, Action Replay Part 1&2, Jethalal No Jekpot, Tarak Mehta No Tapudo, Tarak Mehtana Undha Chashma and many more...
Zavechand Meghani: Zavechand Meghani was a very wellknown author.He wrote over 100 of different types of books,19 biography,4 drama books,14 Novels,9 Poetry,10 Short Stories,11 Folk Songs,13 Falk Tals,13 Others.His Saurashtrani Rasdhar is very good book.
Gunvant Shah: Gunvant Shah Born in Rander (Surat) on March 12, 1937; was educated in Surat and Baroda.He was Worked as Lecturer and Reader in the M. S. University of Baroda, Visiting Professor to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (U.S.A.) HeWrites lyrical essays, poetry, novels in Gujarati. Published many books literary and educational.His famous books are Tahuko, Ghandhi Na Chashma, Krishna Mari Drashtie etc...
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Children's Books - Base of Wisdom

Monday, October 1, 2012 0 comments

The misanthropist knows the cost of everything and the worth of nothing. As such you should try to develop reading habits among the children to teach the right values of life. It is an important habit and needs to be cultivated among the children. This habit can help them to sustain in the tough competition which exists everywhere these days. It permits the children to discover the wide horizons of knowledge. Life can be explained as the skill of depicting enough conclusions from scarce premises. As such children should be taught to read books in their leisure time.
With the inception of the computers many people believe that books are of no importance. But the fact is that the internet has developed the reading habits among the knowledge mongers to a great extent. The childrens books are designed in such a manner that they help to cultivate the reading habits among them. They find these books very interesting as such literatures offer them interesting information and tales. They also teach them good morals and enhance their vocabulary commands and language skills. The children can also enrich their capabilities to express themselves by reading such interesting books.
Children books allow the kids to know more about the people residing in various parts of the world. Reading books can even help them to expand their knowledge bank and make them confident to face any competition. It is also a matter of concern how to find the best knowledgeable books for children. But with the inception of the internet, these concerns can be driven away. Various online stores are available to assist the consumers to find the best and interesting books for their children.
The consumers can search for the childrens books online to know about the latest available books. These online stores are updated regularly to provide their customers with the latest best selling books. The users can browse their favorite sections to find the books of their taste. These online book stores can facilitate your search to a great extent.
To attain knowledge is a never ending process. The more you read the more you gain confidence. Moreover books stores are available everywhere, as such you should always try to grab the opportunity to cultivate your reading habits.